Making a G&T - Mum of 2 under 5 style

I couldn't have been more thrilled when Sally Bunkham from Mum's Back agreed to write a guest blog for me! She's a super cool mum in business and I find her hilariously funny. I hope that you do too! Read on and let me know if you agree....

I must admit I have a couple of G&T's a week. I save them for the end of the most trying of days. Those days when the kids haven't stopped arguing. Or the day they wet themselves twice at the soft play...on the upper level so the wee rained down on the people below (yes that happened). Or the day the 4 year old fell off her bike and bent her front tooth all the way back and we needed an emergency dentist appointment. THOSE are the days I need a G&T. There's something about a G&T that makes it the most soothing and quick acting of all the drinks...and it's not just my large measures, I'm sure (though no doubt they have something to do with it). 
This is how I make mine

1. Ensure kids are TOTALLY asleep. Not just in bed. Oh no no no. They need to be FULLY into sleep mode. I like to check a few times before eyeing up that gin bottle. There's nothing worse than settling down with a nice G&T and then having a child creeping in saying "Mummy, I can't sleep".  

2. Do a quick sweep of the house. Tidy stuff away (ie shove surface damage in cupboards), so it gives the illusion of a smooth running household. Make sure dinner is in the oven or on the hob. I must admit my a la carte meal of beans on toast seems to go very well with a G&T on THOSE days. G&T days are not washing days. The washing can get stuffed. Hide it if necessary so you can't see it. 

3. Get pyjamas on ASAP. It doesn't matter that it's only 7.30pm. PJs ON. Bra OFF. Fluffy dressing gown ON (if it's the winter). They are the rules. 

4. It's time to eye up the gin. I favour Two Birds Spirits London Dry (which I also stock in my hamper gifts for mums). It has a beautiful taste of junipers and a lovely crisp finish. I grab the bottle and my favourite gin glass (everyone has one...right?!).

5. I grab my trusty board and a lemon. I glug out the gin. I don't do measures. I go by eye. I must admit I can no longer taste the gin in a standard G&T I get in the pub, so I can only assume my measures are on the grande side. But hey ho, it's only one!

6. Next I chop the lemon. I'm a big lemon fan. I go for 3 slices. I also like to give each slice a little squeeze before it lands in the glass. I love a lemony G&T. 

7. Next I add a fizz of tonic (my tonic of choice is Folkingtons Indian tonic) and a couple of ice cubes (if I've remembered to fill the tray). And I'm done! Sofa time. 

8. I usually enjoy my G&T whilst watching the most mind numbing of TV available....potentially "First Dates" Or "I'm a Celeb". Either that or watching the news and shouting at the telly about Brexit. And voila! I'm done. Until the next time....

Sally Bunkham

Founder and CEO of



Posted on January 31st 2019

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